PhD in Economic Geography, specializing in geographies of labour markets in the energy transition

About the position

For a position as a PhD Candidate, the goal is a completed doctoral education up to an obtained doctoral degree. 

The Department of Geography at NTNU has a 3-year vacancy for a PhD position in economic geography, contributing to the project Making the Green Shift Work for Regions (GSW). Funded by the Research Council of Norway's Welfare, Culture and Society programme, the GSW project seeks to better integrate localities and regions, labour markets and working lives as central elements within the green shift, rather than merely as outcomes of the energy transition.  The overall objective is to help develop a new understanding of how regional labour markets are adapting to the challenge of green shift, using the example of Oil & Gas specialised regions. 

Drawing on a geographical labour markets perspective, the GSW project aims to better understand how labour markets processes vary between places, operating and performing differently based on their industrial histories, social and institutional contexts, and regulatory settings.  In particular, the research will explore and develop the regional skills ecosystem as an analytical framework to help develop both theory and policy prescription. As the green shift unfolds, the ways in which different regional skills ecosystems adapt and change will vary and have important implications for processes of regional competitiveness and labour market inclusion. 

In collaboration with the project’s research partners Newcastle University, Sintef Digital and FAFO, the NTNU-led PhD will provide research insights into the evolution and adaptation of the regional skills ecosystems within and across the O&G and green energy sectors.  Particularly important will be identifying the evolving institutional contexts, structure and configuration of regional Oil and Gas labour markets and the extent to which key actors’ develop adaptive strategies and responses to the shifting market and emerging growth of green energy activities.  Within which, the PhD will contribute to the project’s novel international comparative analysis of energy transition in carbon intensive regions across Norway (Rogaland, Trøndelag) and Scotland (Aberdeen and North East Scotland). Applicants are encouraged to conduct research stays abroad and acquire mobility funds from Research Council Norway.

Applicants are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the project description. This can be obtained by contacting Asbjørn Karlsen (

Your immediate leader is the Head of Department of Geography, NTNU

Job status